Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lets play a game of "why was this so popular"

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo  - Stieg Larsson
Read:  'Cause it was free and popular
Source:  Kim's big box o'books.

Pages: 841

Another one of these books that no one knew about until it became stupidly popular. I do like to see what the fuss is about when it comes to books so when this ended up in front of me, and for free, who was I to argue?

I had heard the reviews: this book takes a while to get in to. So I was prepared and ready. And I started to read. And I stopped. And I started. And I stopped. And I tried again. And then it was on the bottom on my night stand covered with cat hair and becoming water damaged because Kris the idiot cat likes to knock over my glasses of water.

On Easter weekend, we ended up watching the movie. I didn't get through it all because of the festivities, but it got me going and got me committed to finishing this... monster. As the internet has been saying lately "It gets better". Whether you're a sexually confused teen or a 27 year old trying to get through the first book of the Millennium Trilogy, it's true... it gets better.

Business matters are already exceptionally dry for me, and the first 200 pages of TGWTDT does not change that. This was downright, unread-ably boring. Then Lisbeth Salander steps in the picture and makes things more interesting - before you are thrust unceremoniously back in to Swedish financial douchebaggery.

I have to be honest and say, I liked the book but it did not blow me away. Perhaps it is because I did end up finishing the movie before I finished the book, and that ruined the suspense. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that, murder mystery and thriller aside, it still comes down to being about "gangsters" in the Swedish business markets. I'm not quite sure. I'll read the other two books, but I wont go out of my way to buy them. One copy of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, free to good home... slightly damp.

Book Count: 16
Page Count: 4472 + 841 = 5313

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bella Swan, eat your heart out. Bitch.

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire & Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
Read:  'Cause Sam made me
Source:  Sam's Kindle

Pages: 374 + 391 + 392 = 1157

You have probably heard about the series, unless you have been trapped under a rock on Mars. And rightfully so. The books are GOOD. The movie was pretty good too, and I look forward to the next. These books are written as fiction for young adults and, as such, aren't overly wordy and they're written in a current, easily readable language. If you are looking for Shakespeare, keep moving. But the story that the books hold is EXCELLENT. The characters are realistic but interesting, the premise familiar but not over done.

Book Count: 15
Page Count: 3315 + 1157 = 4472

I knew I was far behind, and that I was probably not going to get to 15,000 pages before the end date. But WOW. I forgot how badly behind I was.