Monday, March 5, 2012

Playing massive, massive catch up

I did some reading, always meaning to update here.. and then I stopped reading again. I doubt I am going to make my 15000 pages before June 20. But I am going to try this again.

I don't remember when I finished reading any of these books. So I'm just going to list them in whatever order and hope I don't miss any.

Ghosts in the Snow - Tamara Siler Jones
Read: The blurb on the back didn't make it sound terrible
Source:  Kim's box o'books

Pages: 488

Detective in a castle can see ghosts, who harass him until their murders are solved. This must have been part of a series since there was a certain amount of back story I was a little lost on, but it didn't ruin the book for me. 

Calculating God - Robert J. Sawyer
Read: Looked like an interesting read. Aliens that believe in God and say math and science backs the theory up? Yes please!
Source: Kim's box o'books
Pages: 338

Aliens come to earth to learn about our history, and one befriends a paleontologist who works at the ROM. In the process he learns that the aliens not only believe in God, but say that science proves God's existence.

The Year of Living Biblically - A. J. Jacobs
Read: Because I wanted to re-read it.
Source: Chapters
Pages: 350

A.J Jacobs was raised in a secular family with only minor connection to religion. So he decides to follow the bible as literally as possible for 365 days, and write about it. I LOVE this book. It is interesting, it is funny, and it makes you think.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J. K. Rowling
Read: Because I wanted to re-read it before seeing the final movie.
Source: Chapters special pre-order.
Pages: 607

I don't actually have to write what I think about this one, do I?

My Heart is Africa: A Flying Adventure - Scott Griffin
Read: Because it was there
Source: Kim's box o'books
Pages: 270

A memoir about Scott and his wife leaving their lives in Canada for a year, so he can volunteer as a pilot for the Flying Doctors Service in Africa. He chronicles everything from flying over the desert, to drinking with lots of different characters, to getting stranded on a desolate island. I enjoyed this book but it wasn't anything particularly special, it didn't grab my attention and make me NEED to finish it.

Book count: 12
Page count:  1262 + 2053 = 3315