Thursday, February 24, 2011

Books 28 - 31

I am hugely, hugely behind on updating because I suck. Suck. So here's a fast one so I can get on with my life and stop worrying over the fact that I haven't updated.

Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut

I don't even really know how to explain this one.

Billy Pilgrim is in WW2, gets through it, and later learns that he can travel through time, not that he wants to. He calls it being "unstuck" in time, and will walk to the bathroom and find himself 20 years in his past or 10 years in his future.

He travels to another planet and has sex with a porn star while being in the alien zoo.


It sounds completely absurd and it is, but it manages to be good. Good and deep and funny and odd all at once. I guess all I can say is "try it, you might like it." Because you might. I did but I'm not entirely sure why.

The Stupidest Angel - Christopher Moore

God, I love Christopher Moore. He's so funny. He's so disturbing. He's so ridiculous. The combination is delicious.

We find ourselves back at Pine Cove (backdrop for The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove, among others) with a recognizable cast of characters, but this time it's Christmas. And an Angel has come down to work a Christmas miracle. Too bad it all goes terribly wrong.

You don't HAVE to have read the other Pine Cove books to read this one. But your probably should. Moore's humour is just that much better if you have all the backstory.

Rose (Bone Prequel) - Jeff Smith

Let me go ahead and say I may have cheated a bit here. The Bone series is in graphic novel form. So.... not really a whole lot of reading. But it's a good story and I stand by my decision LOL

So I had read the first two Bone books (Out From Boneville & The Great Cow Race) before I started my challenge when they were lent to me. So when I got the WHOLE SERIES for Christmas, I was stoked! And I decided to start with Rose, thinking it would give me insight into what I had already read. Let me assure you, THAT didn't happen, LOL. I left confused. Clearly I wasn't far enough into the series. But it was a good little fantastical yarn all on it's own and it was enjoyable but I had no idea what was going on at first.

Eyes of the Storm (Bone 3) - Jeff Smith

Then Rose made more sense, LOL. Apparently, the third book is where the back story to the characters starts really coming out. But I sure have a lot to learn about the world of Bone. I will look forward to returning to these books at some point.

Book Count: 31/50