Saturday, November 27, 2010

Books 21 & 22

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J.K Rowling

The sixth installment of the Harry Potter series. This is when the shit hits the fan. Professor Dumbledore is doing "private lessons" with Harry to learn more about Voldemort's past and we start learning about horcruxes and the fact that there's bits of Voldemort scattered about that need to be destroyed. Harry is also at the top of his Potions class with the newly re-instated Potions Master, Professor Slughorn. His borrowed Potions book is full of helpful hints and tips and the apparent author of those tips is the mysterious "Half Blood Prince". The Prince was also a very creative hex maker... the use of which can have bloody results.

Grayson - Lynne Cox

Grayson is a sweet, light little book about a professional swimmer's experience with a lost baby whale... and it's entirely true! Lynne Cox is a famous long distance open water swimmer and swam the English Channel when she was 15 years old, breaking the records of the day and has done tons ground breaking (water breaking?) swims since then. She also wrote Swimming to Antarctica .

Anyway, in Grayson Lynne is training early in the morning in the ocean, as she does every day, when she starts feeling unusual disturbances in the water. She wraps up her training and goes to speak to a friend when he tells her to not come to shore... or the baby gray whale that's following her will be beached! So Lynne and Grayson swim out to see in hope to find Grayson's mom or pod. Along the way Lynne has interactions with a few other sea creatures and her telling of them really paints a picture of the relationship she's developed with the fish, turtles, etc, from being out there every day.

Book Count: 22/50

Don't know when I'll get number 23 done... Dracula is taking forever....